28 junio 2012

Fuerteventura en Música 2012

The festival Fuerteventura en Música is a highlight of the year here, music-wise. It will take place in El Cotillo on 6 and 7 July (actually finishing in early hours of 8 July). This years's line-up includes Canteca de Macao (Spain), Electrolapas (Fuerteventura), Huecco (Spain), Krema Kawa (Belgium), La Phaze (France), Chila Lynn (Cuba), Marujita (Spain), Meneo (Guatemala), Nayaband (Senegal-Canary Islands), Althay Páez (Fuerteventura) and Chabola Vip (Argentina). Special bus services from/to Corralejo and Puerto del Rosario will be available for the festival-goers.

24 junio 2012

La canción de la semana #324

Fetén Fetén is a project of two Spanish musicians, Jorge Arribas and Diego Galaz. I first learned about them from a Spanish TV programme several days ago. This week's song (which was also featured in the programme) is called Vals para Amelia: Arribas on accordion, Galaz on violin and saw.

17 junio 2012

12 junio 2012

Más expresiones canarias

First published 12 June 2012 @ sólo algunas palabras

Since last October, I have been attending and thoroughly enjoying Spanish classes organised by CEPA (Centro de Educación de Personas Adultas) Fuerteventura Norte. But every good thing comes to an end: we had our last class today. Unfortunately, it is not clear if the classes will even continue next academic year, what with all the disgraceful budget cuts.

One evening I walked in the classroom and found these on the blackboard. Before the class started, I took care to copy them in my book — to share these colourful expressions with the world!

¡Agüita! a¡Qué pasada! o ¡Cuidado!
amarrar el burro al guayabero bestar ligando
arrancar la pencamarcharse, irse
batata, bobomierda, papafrita, toletetonto, bobo (depende del tono, puede ser en broma o insulto)
enterao de la caja el aguapersona que lo sabe todo (despectivo), un listillo
estar como un pejín c estar delgado
¡Fuerte chiquillo cocúo / morrúo!¡Qué persona testaruda!
ir embalao d / follaoir muy rápido
¡Ñoss! e / ¡Choss! fpara expresar algo exagerado
tener el rabo torniao gestar del mal humor, enfadado
  1. "Es una expresión popular canaria, muy utilizada en Tenerife, que se dice como coletilla cuando alguien lee, oye o ve algo que le impresiona o llama la atención especialmente, ya sea por su novedad, curiosidad, ironía o porque le resulta escandaloso o impactante" (¿Qué es agüita?)
  2. Guayabero means "guava tree". But why one would tie the donkey to the guava tree? Maybe because he is after guayabas? Guayaba means not only "guava fruit" but also "young girl".
  3. pejín a small fish, salted and dried (from pez)
  4. embalado fast (from bala bullet)
  5. Also ¡Ñohh! "Estoy sorprendido por lo que acabo de ver u oír" (from coño)
  6. "Superlativo de ¡Ñohh!"
  7. torniao = torneado, torcido

08 junio 2012

La canción de la semana #322

...is Cali Pachanguero. I first heard this song thanks to Luisa's classes. The original and the best version was recorded in 1984 by the famous Colombian salsa band, Grupo Niche.