18 agosto 2023

La canción de la semana #869

...is the traditional Garifuna song Maya Hatina (They Can't Bake Cassava) performed by Lebeha Drummers from Hopkins Village, Belize. This song appears on the band's new album Biama — another discovery thanks to Songlines. I find its simple lyrics strangely inspiring.

Maya Hatina

Maya Hatina Mebura Hatina.
Maya Hatina Mebura Hatina.
Caban neiy ga uguye mama aye Maya Hatina.
Caban neiy ga uguye mama aye Maya Hatina.

They Can’t Bake Cassava

I haven’t worked and I don’t bake.
I haven’t worked and I don’t bake.
So what am I going to eat today and I never bake.
So what am I going to eat today and I never bake.

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