28 agosto 2011

La canción de la semana #281

From the flamenco maestro José Mercé — Cuban-style Todos Seremos!

21 agosto 2011

La canción de la semana #280

...is Mestizo, from the Galician pianist and composer Alberto Conde. This beautiful flamenco-flavoured jazz waltz appears on Andaina by the Alberto Conde Trío featuring Baldo Martínez and Nirankar Khalsa.

16 agosto 2011


I must admit that, since I moved to Fuerte, I was a bit neglecting this (and my other) blogs. So why on earth did I start another one? To promote myself, that's why. Also, to give Posterous a try. (Sorry Blogger.)

With Posterous, one can easily create blog posts by email. I tried this and it works like magic. Of course, it's always possible to come back and edit this post with web editor.

So people, if you have nothing better to do, please visit zumbafuerteventura and maybe even share the link with your Zumba friends!

07 agosto 2011

La canción de la semana #278

...is Mezcalito by this blog's (and my) favourite artist, Lila Downs. This song appears on her forthcoming album, Pecados y Milagros.

Pecados y Milagros tiene que ver musicalmente con una serie de canciones que he estado componiendo sobre el mezcal, sobre las mujeres que hacen tortillas, y sobre todo del maíz, inspirada por mi hijo, que es un maicito tierno.

I can't wait.