30 diciembre 2010

La canción de la semana #247

During this year, I was busy fixing some broken links on this blog. (Lots of them remain, so be patient.) we7, the UK-based free music streaming service (co-founded by Peter Gabriel), was a great help.

But things are always changing on the internet. we7 still provides music for free; however, now you have to register with it to hear more than 30-second previews. Alternatively, to keep on listening, you can allow we7 to interact with your Facebook account. Am I only one who is annoyed by this?

Still, I think it is a great service. Thanks to we7, I discovered some great music and great musicians. Such as Lou Pérez (1928—2005). Which brings us to the last song of 2010: El Baile Suavito by Lou Pérez y Su Charanga, from 1961 album Para la Fiesta Voy.

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