03 octubre 2010

La canción de la semana #234

Dmitri Mamontov (Дмитрий Мамонтов) was an immensely talented flamenco guitarist from Moscow. Sadly, he died in 2002. I saw him playing live only once, about twenty years ago — he was busking on Arbat! In late 1980s / early 1990s, he was appearing reasonably often on Soviet television. You'd expect a lot of video clips of that era to be found on the web, but alas, no such luck. YouTube has four videos of Mamontov, all of dismal quality. One day, I hope, somebody will unearth better recordings of him and commit it to cyberspace. In the meantime, I hope you still can enjoy Dmitri's rendition of Monti's Csárdás.

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